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2021 ARSL ConferenceWhat a show! The Biggest Little Library Conference may be finished in person, but we're excited to be able to provide continued online access to our virtual and livestreamed conference sessions through the end of the year for all registered attendees. Our libraries may be small, but our community is mighty. As we come together to share ideas and learn from each other, the possibilities are huge. Our goal is to infuse principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion into every level of the conference, from including diverse perspectives in programs to removing barriers to access. We hope you will take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to continue your learning during the coming months. Looking for the Virtual Conference site? You will access the virtual conference experience through our Whova app. All recorded content will be available through December 31!
Forgot your password? Click the "forgot password" link under the password entry field to receive a password reset email. If Whova is asking you for a code, double check that you’re using the email address associated with your registration. If you’re still having trouble, email [email protected] or call (206) 453-3579 to make sure you’re registered correctly. Have Questions? Making Connections Networking in Whova Be sure to explore networking opportunities within Whova. You can send messages to your colleagues attending both virtually and in person, participate in message boards, schedule virtual or in-person meetups, and discover new connections based on what you have in common. You'll have access to all of these networking features through the end of the year! Attending Sessions & Events On-Demand Sessions Livestreams Conference Evaluations Our Thanks & Support Our Conference Committee is so thankful that you are participating in our first-ever hybrid conference. If at any time you have questions or concerns, please let us know by emailing [email protected] or calling (206) 453-3579 Monday–Friday, 7:00 am–5:00 pm PT. Registration InformationRegistration for the 2021 ARSL Conference is closed. We look forward to seeing you at our ARSL TRAIN workshops throughout the coming year, and to welcoming you to our 2022 conference in Chattanooga, TN! 8/23/2021 Update: ARSL Board Votes to Require Proof of VaccinationIn the interest of ensuring the safety of our attendees and presenters, and based on the best available information from the CDC regarding large indoor gatherings, the Board of Directors of the Association for Rural and Small Libraries has voted in favor of requiring proof of vaccination to attend the 2021 ARSL Conference in person. You are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 two weeks after your second shot if you receive(d) two doses (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or two weeks after you receive(d) a single-dose vaccine (Johnson and Johnson (J&J)/Janssen). |