Professional Resource Discussion Group
The Professional Development Book Club is now the Professional Resource Discussion Group! A few times a year we invite members and nonmembers to come together to discuss a selection of resources on a specific topic of particular interest to the needs of library professionals working in small, rural libraries.
If you're interested in attending additional roundtables or trainings through ARSL at discounted member rates, consider joining ARSL!
Spring 2024 Professional Resource Discussion Group: Relationships in the Workplace
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Discussion 1: 3:30 pm PT / 4:30 pm MT / 5:30 pm CT / 6:30 pm ET Discussion 2: 6:30 pm PT / 7:30 pm MT / 8:30 pm CT / 9:30 pm ET
The next session of the Professional Resource Discussion group will focus on relationships in the workplace. The Professional Resource Discussion group is an informal conversation-style meeting where library workers can come together to discuss topics that impact our work. The next PRDG will focus on relationships in the workplace. The Continuing Education Committee has selected two resources for attendees to read and listen to prior to the discussion, however there is no requirement that you do so to attend. The resources are meant to get you thinking about the topic. Bring your thoughts, questions and additional resources you find helpful on this topic.
Relationships at Work Podcast Receiving and Giving Effective Feedback (article)
Previous Events
Fall 2023 Professional Resource Discussion Group: #ARSL2023 Debrief
Our Fall 2023 discussion will take place on the last day of the 2023 ARSL Conference! Whether you're attending the conference virtually or in person, you'll be able to participate in a discussion.
Did you learn about a new resource during the ARSL Conference? Is there an idea you learned about that you plan to implement once you return? Join the ARSL Continuing Education Committee for an in-person session of the Professional Resource Discussion Group! Bring a resource and/or idea that you learned about during the conference to share with other attendees and walk away from this session with new resources and ideas to utilize once you return to your library.
Spring 2023 Professional Resource Discussion Group
Our next session of the Professional Resource Discussion Group will focus on burnout. Read, listen to, and watch the resources below and come to one of the two sessions for an interactive discussion.
Library Leadership Podcast: Slow Librarianship Burnout is About Your Workplace, Not Your People Rekindling from Burnout Webinar Libraries Transforming Communities Sustaining Yourself Worksheet
Fall 2022: Library Leadership Your Way
Join us for an in-person ARSL Professional Development Book Club discussion at the 2022 ARSL Conference! Once a quarter we invite both members and nonmembers to come together to discuss a professional development book of particular interest to the needs of library professionals working in small, rural libraries. We are excited to hold the fall 2022 meeting at the ARSL Conference. We will discuss Library Leadership Your Way, by Jason Martin. (978-0-8389-1905-7). It's a succinct 88 pages with content that is interactive, relevant, and conducive to discussion. Like many library book discussions, all are welcome, including those who have not finished every one of the 88 pages!
Conference attendees can get a $10 discount on Library Leadership Your Way by using the code BCAC22 (expires 10/31/22).

Winter 2022: Sustainable Thinking: Ensuring Your Library's Future in an Uncertain World by Rebekkah Smith Aldrich
March 29, 2022 Discussion 1: 3:30 pm PT / 4:30 pm MT / 5:30 pm CT / 6:30 pm ET Discussion 2: 6:30 pm PT / 7:30 pm MT / 8:30 pm CT / 9:30 pm ET
Everyone, regardless of ARSL membership status, is invited to join us on March 29th, 2022 for our inaugural professional development book club: an interactive discussion of Rebekkah Smith Aldrich’s landmark book Sustainable Thinking: Ensuring Your Library’s Future in an Uncertain World.
Sustainability may seem like a “pie-in-the-sky” idea, suitable only for larger libraries with bigger budgets to contemplate. However, much of sustainable thinking and action already takes place within the walls and communities of small libraries. As Smith Aldrich states, “How fortuitous for us all that what the world needs most right now is what libraries are already very good at.” How can we leverage our skills and our knowledge to create and support thriving and resilient communities?
Smith Aldrich’s book is available for purchase in the ALA Store. The book is also available on Overdrive.