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ARSL MembershipJump to: Individual Memberships | Library Memberships | Nonprofit Organization Memberships | Business Memberships | Membership Policies & Fees Join or RenewUsing our membership forms, you can join or renew your ARSL Membership. Please email [email protected] if you have any issues accessing the form. If you are currently an individual member who would like to apply for the organizational membership, please email [email protected], as there are some settings that must be manually changed before you apply. Individual Membership ApplicationOrganizational Membership ApplicationNeed a copy of our W-9?ARSL Supporters AllianceLooking to support ARSL more substantially? Consider becoming a year-round organizational sponsor by joining the ARSL Supporters Alliance! Alliance members will receive a strategically designed benefits package in addition to regular benefits of an Individual or Organizational Membership. Individual MembershipsIndividual Member TypesIndividual EmployeesIndividual employees include any individual currently working in a library or in a library-adjacent field (including both for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations) who will not be receiving a complimentary staff membership as part of a library, business, or nonprofit organizational membership. Individual employee dues are assessed on a sliding scale based on the individual's self-reported annual income. StudentsAny student enrolled in a formal credential-seeking educational program, including high school, GED courses, undergraduate and graduate school. Students may also be library workers. Student membership dues are assessed at a flat rate through the end of the membership year in which the individual completes their educational program. RetireesAny retired library worker. (While retirees may also be active volunteers, Friends, trustees, and/or foundation members, we encourage them to select this membership type if they would like to be included in professional networking and development opportunities for current library workers. The wealth of knowledge to be shared by long-time library professionals is always appreciated!) Retiree membership dues are assessed at a flat rate. Library AdvocatesAny individual who is not working in a library nor a library-related field (including both for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations) who would like to support ARSL, such as volunteers, trustees, Friends, or Foundation members. Library advocate dues are assessed at a flat rate. Unemployed and Seeking Library EmploymentAny individual currently seeking library employment, but not currently employed by a library. Unemployed member dues will be assessed at a flat rate until the individual member obtains library employment. Individual Member BenefitsAll individual members will receive the following benefits as part of their membership:
All individual memberships (Individual Employee, Student, Retiree, Library Advocate, and Unemployed/Seeking Library Employment) are non-transferrable and will travel with the individual named on the membership if they leave their current employer. Organizational MembershipsLibrary MembershipLibrary members would include any library, library system, library consortium, or State Library. If you are unsure whether your organization qualifies for a library membership, please reach out to the ARSL Office. Annual dues, number of complimentary individual memberships, and number of additional member-rate conference registrations (a new benefit, detailed below) will be determined by the library’s self-reported annual operating budget.
New Benefit!: Additional Member-Rate Conference RegistrationsBefore 2022 Library Members could only register their listed complimentary staff members for the annual ARSL Conference at the reduced member rate. This new benefit will allow Library Members to register a specific number of additional staff at the reduced member rate without having to add them as listed complimentary staff members, or purchase ARSL memberships for those individuals. The number of additional member-rate conference registrations available to an organization is based on their annual dues, as detailed in the table above. Library Membership BenefitsLibrary Members will receive the following benefits as part of their membership:
Nonprofit Organization MembershipNonprofit organization members would be any registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, including Friends of the Library groups and Library Foundations. Annual dues will be assessed based on the organization's size, as determined by their number of employees (not volunteers or contractors).
Nonprofit Organization Membership Benefits
Business MembershipBusiness members would be any for-profit business, including independent library consultants who join with the intention of promoting their services to ARSL members. Annual dues will be assessed based on the organization's size, as determined by their number of employees (not volunteers or contractors). Ready to take your support of ARSL to the next level? Help libraries do more, with more by joining the ARSL Supporters Alliance!
Business Organization Membership Benefits
Membership Policies & FeesPlease review our Cancellation & Late Fee Policy to understand our membership guidelines. Cancellation & Late Fee Policy
Support ARSL!Donate to ARSLARSL is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. All donations made to ARSL constitute tax-deductible charitable donations. Donations will help ARSL further its mission to build strong communities through advocacy, professional development, and elevating the impact of rural and small libraries. |